Major Rodrick C. Covington, 62, died on March 31, 2022, from an illness stemming from his assignment to the World Trade Center site following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.

Major Rodrick C. Covington, 62, died on March 31, 2022, from an illness stemming from his assignment to the World Trade Center site following the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. 

After the events of 9/11, Major Covington was assigned to New York City to aid with the search and recovery efforts as part of the New York State Police Detail. 

Major Covington joined the State Police on October 19, 1981, until his retirement on November 28, 2008. At the time of his retirement, Major Covington was the Detail Commander of the Protective Services Unit.

Major Covington is survived by his wife and four children.