NYS VICAP is a web-based program that operates in conjunction with the Federal Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (VICAP) administered by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
NYS VICAP and VICAP have been developed as investigative aids for all law enforcement agencies. They link similar patterns of crime from among all reported cases in the government's database. This is accomplished by analyzing all relevant details of crime including: victimology, modus operandi, offender information or suspect description, physical or forensic evidence and suspect behavior exhibited before, during or after the crime.
When apparent similarities or patterns are determined to exist between cases, the submitting agencies can be notified and the case investigators put in contact with each other.
The NYS VICAP system is designed to collect, collate and analyze information regarding the following types of violent crimes that might be serial in nature:
- Homicides: (and attempts) that are known or suspected to be part of a series and/or are apparently random. Motiveless, or sexually orientated.
- Missing Persons: where the circumstances indicate a strong possibility of foul play and the victim is still missing.
- Unidentified Human Remains: where the manner of death is known or suspected to be a homicide.
- Sexual Assaults: that are known or suspected to be part of a series and/or are committed by a stranger.
NYS VICAP is administered by the New York State Police, Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Forensic Investigation Support Services Section.