April 12, 2024
Claverack NY

State Psychologist Arrested For Sexual Assault

State Psychologist Arrested For Sexual Assault

On April 12, 2024, the New York State Police in conjunction with the Columbia County District Attorney’s Office, the New York Office of Children and Family Services, and the New York State Justice Center, arrested Doctor Maya Hayes, a Brookwood Secure Center Associate Psychologist.

Following an extensive investigation, it was determined Dr. Hayes sexually assaulted numerous victims at the Secure Center over the course of several years while employed as the facility clinician.

Dr. Maya Hayes, age 46, of Albany, NY, was indicted by a grand jury for 62 counts of Criminal Sexual Act in the 3rd degree, and three counts of Rape in the 3rd degree, all class E felonies.  She was arraigned before the Columbia County Court and released under the supervision of the Columbia County Probation Department.