August 19, 2024
North Salem

New Rochelle Woman Arrested For Kicking Child

New Rochelle Woman Arrested For Kicking Westchester Exceptional Children School Student

On August 8, 2024, the New York State Police from the Somers barracks arrested an employee of the Westchester Exceptional Children School in North Salem for kicking a student.

Following the report of abuse by the victim’s mother on August 2, 2024, investigation determined Carmen M. Santiago Osorio, age 60, of New Rochelle, NY, kicked a child under the age of 13-years-old.  She was charged with Endangering the Welfare of an Incompetent of Physically Disabled Person in the 1st degree, a class E felony.

Santiago Osorio was arraigned before the town of North Salem Court and released on her own recognizance to reappear before the court on September 9, 2024, at 5:30 p.m.