Missing: Woolheater, William F.

Photo circa 1979

Basic Information

Race: White
Sex: Male
DOB: June 6, 1958
Height: 6' - 6'1"
Weight: 150-200 pounds
Eyes: Brown

Additional Information
Last Seen: 02/1981
Location: Residence in Albany, New York

Woolheater was headed to New Orleans, Louisiana, to look for employment as a cook. Although relatives received a phone call from Woolheater saying he arrived in New Orleans, it is unknown if he actually arrived. When he disappeared, the 22-year-old was on medication for manic depression. Before leaving Albany, he worked as a cook at "The Sign of the Tree." In 1980, Woolheater lived for a short time in Long Beach, California.

If you have any information, please call:

New York State Police
Troop G, Bureau of Criminal Investigation, Latham, New York
Phone:(518) 783-3211

or e-mail the information to: [email protected]

Please include your name, address and telephone number.