NIC #M852561684
Basic Information
Race: White
Sex: Female
DOB: August 12, 1960
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 100 pounds
Alias: Erica Jane Poprafsky
Eyes: Brown
Other: Mole on left knee
Last seen: 10/13/1986
Location: Middleburgh, NY
Erica was last heard from October 13, 1986. She was last seen in the vicinity of Main Street in Middleburgh, New York. She is believed to be the victim of foul play. Erica was last seen wearing blue denim overalls with a bulky shirt.
If you have any information, please call:
New York State Police
Bureau of Criminal Investigation
Princetown, N.Y.
(518) 630-1700
or e-mail the information to: [email protected]