Employee Relations

The Office of Employee Relations oversees the administration of the New York State Police Academy and the Office of Human Resources.

Staff responsibilities include the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), labor negotiations, contract questions, grievances, civilian discipline, labor/management issues, liaison with member and civilian unions, training, employee issues, and career enhancement/development programs.


Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a confidential program designed to help sworn and non-sworn members of the New York State Police and their families.

Employee assistance program

Reasonable Accommodation
  • Contact InformationReasonable Accommodation in State Programs and Services
  • Procedures: Implementing Reasonable Accommodation in Programs and Services for Individuals with Disabilities
  • Complaint FormAmericans with Disabilities Act

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

The EEO program is designed to resolve complaints involving discrimination, harassment and other employee issues. A team of specially trained staff from Human Resources and Professional Standards Bureau investigates EEO complaints. EEO complaints can result in disciplinary action depending on the outcome of the investigation.

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