Crimes Against Children Seminar


Crimes Against Children Seminar

The New York State Police will host the annual "NYSP Crimes Against Children Seminar" during the week of November 13 – 17, 2023, for law enforcement, social service agencies, prosecutors, and victim advocates who work in New York State.  This year the seminar will be held at the New York State Police Academy, Albany NY.  This Seminar is intended to assist field level personnel in the successful investigation of offenses committed against children. This extensive training is provided at no cost to attendees.

Topics to be presented include: A survivor's presentation; the medical evaluation of child victims; SANE nurse review, cultural and developmental issues and how they impact investigations; child exploitation case review; 10 steps to consider in a Sex Assault Investigation; I.C.A.C. Taskforce; ICAC Investigations from the field; children with problematic sexual behavior; human trafficking; Handle with Care and more. 

Register by email to [email protected]. Each attendee must be registered and is expected to attend the entire Seminar. A single registration may not be shared during the week by multiple members of an agency. The maximum number of personnel attending from any agency is three (3).  Be sure to include: Agency, Full Name of Attendee, Title, Email Address, Contact Ph#, Agency Address and Emergency Contact. NYSP Members should register through channels.

                                      The registration deadline is Monday October 16, 2023

Questions may be directed to Investigator Robin Edwards at [email protected] .