
The Computer Crime Unit (CCU) provides outreach and education to community groups on internet safety and training to law enforcement agencies on the tools and processes used to assist with the prosecution of technology related crimes.

The CCU currently has an authorized strength of 52 sworn and non-sworn members. The Computer Crime Unit consists of three primary functions which support state, local and federal agencies in the securing and processing of digital evidence. These are: Field Investigations; the Computer Forensic Laboratory (CFL); and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC).

The multi-agency Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force targets predators who seek to exploit and victimize children through the use of computers and the Internet.

In addition to being involved in forensic examination of digital evidence and child exploitation investigations, members of the CCU also routinely engage in outreach to civic and community groups, conduct presentations on internet safety, identity theft, and computer security. To highlight training achievements in 2014, the CCU provided training on Social Media and Investigating Open Sources of Information as well as hosting an Internet Crimes Against Children On Line Advertisement course to a diverse audience of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. This training provided valuable and timely information on current internet and technology related matters.

As a result, the Computer Crime Unit has been successful in educating local law enforcement agencies and civic groups in emerging trends and technologies. This training is necessary to keep up with the sophisticated perpetrator that is present in today's society.

Submitting Agency (Customer) Information

Submission Requirements

All evidence submitted into the CCU must be accompanied by a submission document that includes:

  • Description of the evidence being submitted
  • The type of forensic examination requested

Note: Be advised, CCU is not part of the NYSP Crime Laboratory, and as such, do not fall within the Crime Laboratory's ASCLD/LAB Scope of Accreditation.

The technical staff of the Computer Crimes Unit reserves the right to select the most appropriate test method, including subcontracting, for the analysis of the evidence submitted. The basis for the selection of test methods will be to provide the most meaningful and probative results to the submitting agency.

Questions related to available test methods and method selection should be directed to the New York State Police Forensic Investigation Center in Albany, NY, at: 518-457-1208.


The Computer Crimes Unit is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of all case-related information received and/or developed during casework activities. The Computer Crimes Unit will not release confidential information to unauthorized third parties without the prior approval of the investigating agency, by official court order or subpoena.

The Evidence Receiving section will return all completed cases to local agencies for proper retention and final disposition.

Customer Satisfaction Survey

CCU strives to satisfy the needs of the criminal justice community we serve, and in an effort to continually improve the level and quality of services, it actively solicits feedback from our customers.

It is important to let us know if there are areas in which we can improve our service.

You can request from a Customer Satisfaction Survey by contacting CCU at 518-457-5712. Your comments and suggestions will be used in an effort to improve our service.

Information on the NYSP website is presented as a community service. Reproductions of information or images taken from the NYSP website must be used for the sole purpose of supplying information as a non-reimbursable, community service. The rules and regulations of the State Police are contained in Title 9 (Executive Department), Subtitle K of the state compilation and can be accessed through the Department of State website.

If you are unable to download a PDF document on this site, you may request a copy by e-mailing the Planning and Research Section.

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Please state which document you would like and supply your name, address and phone number.

CCU Regional Offices

CCU Field Investigations consists of four regional CCU Offices which have specially trained Investigators assigned to assist both the state police and other law enforcement agencies with technology related investigations and the analysis of digital evidence.

Members of the BCI and Uniform Troopers have become familiar with digital evidence to include; cell phones, laptop computers, personal digital aides, digital video recorders, digital media and storage. Often the information stored in these devices can provide vital information and crucial leads for a successful investigation. CCU field Investigators conduct previews of digital evidence to assist in all types of investigations including high profile investigations such as homicides.

In 2014, CCU members conducted over 3100 previews of digital evidence. This represents a fifty percent increase over two years, which demonstrates the significance that digital evidence has, and its direct correlation to most crimes being investigated. CCU Investigators routinely assist members of the state police, federal, state, local law enforcement and prosecutors in writing and executing search warrants. Subsequent investigations and executions of these search warrants have led to over 80 arrests and the execution of over 100 search warrants in 2014.

Computer Forensic Laboratory

The Computer Forensic Laboratory (CFL), located in the Forensic Investigation Center, consists of highly trained Investigators and Civilian Forensic Analysts who are tasked with the analysis of digital evidence.

In addition, 2014 marked the first year that the Advanced Cell Phone Forensic Facility was operational within the CFL. This Cell Phone Lab includes both a JTAG and Chip-Off digital examination component, which makes it the only one of its kind in the state of New York. Federal funding was obtained to assist with the establishment of this Cell Phone Lab. CCU Investigators in the field as well as other law enforcement agencies are now able to submit cell phones that previously would not have been able to be analyzed due to having been destroyed by the perpetrator, submerged in water, or just damaged beyond any hope of retrieving significant case information. The Cell Phone Lab has seen numerous successes including high profile cases where all other investigative leads were exhausted. A total of 58 cell phones were examined with a 75 percent success rate for the YTD 2014.

Extensive training is required to examine all types of digital evidence in the CFL. Our highly experienced members and civilian staff are called upon frequently to provide testimony in criminal cases regarding the technical analysis that they perform. They also provide assistance to Field CCU members in the use of various forensic tools and techniques.

Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force

Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC)

The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (ICAC) consists of sixty federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies collaborating to identify, investigate, and prosecute individuals who exploit children through the internet and technology.

The New York ICAC Task Force is one of sixty-one ICAC Task Forces nationwide, serving as a central hub for Cybertips submitted to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In 2023, the Task Force received over 22,000 Cybertips and supported more than 4,000 subpoena requests. Notably, the last two years have seen a nearly 50% increase in the number of Cybertips received.

Equipped with advanced skills in utilizing online tools used by child predators, the ICAC Task Force effectively identifies individuals who target children online. Their diligent efforts have led to numerous arrests of child predators by responding to tips and aiding in the removal of child sexual abuse material from the internet.  Please provide any tip to https://www.missingkids.org/gethelpnow/cybertipline

Learn More About the ICAC Task Force